Saturday 31 October 2015

Health and Safety

Health and Safety enables the carrying out of unavoidable activities by assessing and reducing the associated risks.  The Health And Safety At Work Act 1974 states “It shall be the duty of any person who erects or installs any article for use at work ... to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that nothing about the way in which the article is erected or installed makes it unsafe or a risk to health" (HSE, 1974 p6).

This is done through a risk assessment "instruction and practice for acquiring skills and knowledge of rules, concepts, or attitudes necessary to function effectively in specified task situations” (Cohen & Colligan, 1998 p 11).

 Stages of a risk assessment (HSE, 2000 P8-10)
  1. Identify the hazard 
  2. Who might be harmed and how
  3. Evaluate risks from identified hazards 
  4. Record 
  5. Review 

Electrical Safety

Visually electrical equipment needs regular inspecting including ensuring that the plug and lead have an in date PAT (portable appliance testing) (anonymous 2014) . This inspection should only be carried out ‘by people who have the necessary knowledge’ (electrical safety first 2015)

Sound Safety

'The event equivalent continuous sound level (Event Leq) in any part of the audience area should not exceed 107 dB (A), and the peak sound pressure level should not exceed 140db' (HSE,1999 p90)

If during an event staff are exposed to an excessive noise level employers should 'reduce exposure to as low a level as is reasonably practicable' (Gov legislation 2005). This can be done through the use of ear protection. 

fig 8

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