Saturday 31 October 2015

Working at height

Working at height (WAH) is defined as any activity in the workplace where ‘a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury’ (Government Legislation  2005). Risk assessments should always be conducted (HSE, 2013).

WAH is very common within the entertainment industry but it ‘must be avoided where possible’ as it caused 29% of fatalities at work in 2013/14 (HSE, 2014).

Staff must have certified training to use access equipment and follow health and safety guidelines, such as:
  •  Insuring three points of contact when using a ladder.

(Vid 1 Anonymous 2015)

Employers must ensure that ‘equipment is used only for operations for which…it is suitable’ (Government Legislation 1998).  When providing suitable equipment select  'collective systems which protect many (such as a physical barrier, guard rail, or working platform) above personal systems which protect the individual (such as a harness)' (Unison 2013).

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